- Our training is fully compliant to the Care Quality Commission's published standards in health & social care -
Care Quality Health Training - Newton with Scales, Preston, Lancashire.
A Leading Provider in Health and Social Care Training & Management in the Northwest of England
Our Terms & Conditions - Copyright Care Quality Health Training 2018
Incorrect manual handling is one of the most common causes of injury at work. It causes work-related musculoskeletal disorders and accounts for over a third of all injuries. Manual handling injuries can occur anywhere where people are at work and can include lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling and carrying. The load can be animate e.g. a person or inanimate e.g. a box. Avoiding, reducing and controlling risk as laid out by the Manual Handling Regulations can reduce the likelihood of injury.

To provide all participants with the knowledge to be able to move and handle safely

The course content:

The course is divided into five modules and includes an assessment at the end:

The anatomy and physiology of the spine, muscles and joints.
Legislation surrounding manual handling.
Specific conditions that affect movement.
How to complete a risk assessment.
Aids and equipment to assist with manual handling.


A certificate of attendance is awarded on completion of the course; this is subject to satisfaction of the instructor and at the end of the course assessments..

Course fee: £POA including a maximum of 12 staff members
Principles of Manual Handling (theory)
Course Title